Hannah Brown Campbell
Hello, my name is Hannah Brown Campbell. I am the founder and co-owner of Spoat Jackson and Browne. I am a graduate of the University of Maryland with a degree in Sociology and Economics. I have over 40 years of experience in business and human resources. I started this company with my father James “Big Spoat” Brown and my four children whose last name is Jackson.
We are a Military family which includes my father, my spouse and two of my children. This means that we are passionate about honor and respect. When I started this business, my goal was to be honorable and forthright with my properties, contracts, and interaction with prospective clients. I wanted to make sure that I consistently honor the legality of my business obligation and that all information is always explained in detail. In return, my hope was that I would garner the same type of honesty, appreciation and honor from those I encountered.
Over the years, we have worked hard to grow this firm and I am indescribably thankful to the people who have been a part of our story and those of you who will become a part of our success. This includes tenants, owners, buyers, sellers, Brokers, my employees and the public. With that said, I would like to hear from you, to let me know about your experience with our firm. As always, we appreciate your business with Spoat Jackson and Browne, where teamwork makes the dreamwork.